About "Texas-Crossroads Inquirer"

This blog covers enterprise news stories relating to the Texas Crossroads region. This area includes the counties of Victoria, DeWitt, Calhoun, Goliad, Lavaca, Jackson and Gonzales.

The Crossroads sits south of San Antonio and Austin, while staying in between Corpus Christi to the west and Houston to the south. The Gulf of Mexico borders the region's most southern counties.

At a population of 86,793, according to the 2010 census, Victoria County is by far the region's most populous. The City of Victoria also is the largest municipality of its kind in the Crossroads, boasting a population of 62,592.

The two main municipalities within the Crossroads are county governments, headed by commissioners courts, and cities governed via a council.

My goal is to post links to my stories published by the area's newspapers. I also plan on posting stories and additional information that for whatever reason didn't find its way into a publication.

However, my goal is for the Texas-Crossroads Inquirer to become a reliable news source for those interested in enterprise, investigative news about the Crossroads. So I also will post links to other journalists' stories relating to the Crossroads.

A little background about myself, I worked at the Victoria Advocate as the city and county government reporter in 2011 from April to October .

If you have any story ideas that you would like to discuss with me, send me an email or call. My information is listed below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Brian M. Cuaron